How do I make a purchase on Freight Liquidators and is the item listed in stock and how many are available for purchase?

To make a purchase click the “Check Current Sale Price” button to see both the availability and current sale price of the item you are interested in. This button link will bring you to our partner merchant and show you availability and price. We update prices from our merchant partners on a weekly basis but prices can change daily. The links to products are designed to find the lowest price available when you click through and those prices can be higher or lower.

The item I was looking for is no longer available or I am getting Error Page Not Found?

What happens sometimes is a popular product is advertised heavily to determine customer desire and they may have a limited initial run. If the response meets certain criteria they may have the factory produce more but only if the item sold well initially. Unfortunately if our merchant for this product is out of stock it may be unavailable for the foreseeable future.

Do you have a location in my area?

We are an online aggregate furniture store and we don’t have a physical location. only a virtual one. We represent over 800 name brand manufactures and we currently list over one million home furnishing items for sale.
Some of the benefits of online shopping with FreightLiquidators.com:

  • Our database is updated daily with specials and closeouts you can’t find locally
  • Many of the merchants we represent offer Free Shipping on even the largest items
  • Sales Tax savings
  • Manufactures warranties on brand name furniture

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